Pat S. Moore Committee Policies and Procedures

  1. There shall be no more than one award given per year, and it shall be emphasized that this award is not necessarily a yearly one.
  2. There shall be a Pat S. Moore Committee, appointed by the President and consisting of five members: three Sustainers, and two Actives. the sustaining members shall serve three-year staggered terms with the Actives appointed annually for one-year, non-consecutive terms. This committee shall be listed in the yearbook.
  3. The committee shall provide yearly ongoing education to the general membership periodically through the yearbook and In League magazine and to each new Provisional Class.
  4. Any member (Provisional, Active, or Sustainer) in good standing may submit nominations for the Pat S. Moore Award.
  5. The Chairman of the committee shall be determined by seniority of service on the committee.
  6. A letter of nomination shall be submitted to the Chairman of the committee by Feb. 1. The letter shall address the nominee’s qualifications.
  7. The vote of the committee shall be unanimous.
  8. The committee shall give ten (10) days prior notice to the Executive Board before the Chairman presents the committee’s recommendation at the April Executive Board Meeting.
  9. The vote at the April Executive Board Meeting shall be by ballot.
  10. The presentation of the award shall be made at the May Annual Meeting.
  11. No nominee shall be considered who is presently serving on the Executive Board or the Pat S. Moore Committee.

Committee Members

  • Donna Chandler, Chair 2018-2019
  • Lori Rice Spearman, Chair 2019-2020
  • Phyllis Jones, Chair 2020-2021
  • Emily Guy
  • Dawne Franks